Wednesday, November 4, 2009

''Nice'' Lecturer

I damn hate Tuesday,
because the class start at 8 in the morning.
Class at 8am always make me crazy,
how come we will have class so early in the morning?

This morning, as usual,7.55am just stared to walk to class.
10 min to arrive class, seems like lecturer already start his lecture.
Nevermind, i guess lecturer always talking rubbish in the beginning of the class.
He talk,talk and talk, suddenly stop talking!
''Erm, we will end the class here, tomorrow just continue.''
I saw the time, 8.40am.... =.=''
Our class is from 8-10am, how come....??!!
You want me wake up so early in the morning just for tat 40 minutes??
Next time you better delay our class, start from 9am also can...

In the afternoon, i also have 1 hour tutorial class...
Yummy said that tutor will be late, so, i late 5 min for the tutorial class.
Who know he already start his class also...
He talk, talk and talk,suddenly stop talking too!
He plan to mix our tutorial class with other group and change the venue of the class..
And he draw something stupid on the board..
He try to draw a programming diagram!!
Don't know draw, no need to draw! =.=''
That thing also not in our topic..

And suddenly, he said 'we stop here, tomorrow just continue...'
i saw the time, time just pass 25 minutes!
Arghhh, happen twice in 1 day..
haiz.. anyway, what a nice lecturer here....

If i say, they are not the same person, DO YOU BELIEVE ME??


  1. sorry loh, how i noe tat MBMB din delay ytd....but he release all of u earlier mah,XD

  2. my lecture not good de....every class talk talk talk talk talk talk talk then break then talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk .........
    until end of the sleepy some more in the early morning!!

  3. yummy,
    next time, v late 10 min jz go, den go dere sit 10 min++ class dismiss d..

    u dare duwan believe me? lol

    i tink all ppl oso hate those talk from de beginning til de end of de class de lecturer.. haha..
    btw, who r u? XD
